Milestone 1

Production Planning

When planning the production of the game we had many things in mind such as how are we going to do a pirate game with a very small scope which made it very challenging but as a team we accepted the challenge and went on to do it. The first thing we planned was the water system we would use since it's a pirate game and how we should implement the water since it's the core component for the game without water there would be no pirate game.

When it came to thinking/making the water we did some research when we looked at how water can be made in unreal engine 5 we found it's way out of our scope so we had to slow down and start to look for other options. An option we found out about that we want with was using a water plugin that comes with Unreal Engine 5 which at the time we were excited about until we started to use it and we found out how difficult it's to work with water when you have massive objects.

Next we planned the game loop which needed to fit closely to the pirate theme while also remaining within a reasonable scope. We settled on taking a ship across the ocean travelling through checkpoints, defending the ship from enemies along the way, repairing the damage taken from the enemies and collecting treasure.

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